36 research outputs found

    ¿Piensan igual los directivos actuales y futuros? Experimento con subastas de capacidad de GNL

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    An experiment has been carried out in the laboratory to assess the difference in the bidding behaviour between current managers of an energy company and future managers or university students of Economics. The novelty of the experiment is that it has precisely mimicked a real capacity auction of LNG off-loading and that the professionals that have participated belong to the energy company that is responsible for the auctions. The experiments show that the laboratory setting is appropriate both for teaching and experimentation. The research results demonstrate that professionals bid higher than students and that women bid higher than menSe ha llevado a cabo un experimento en laboratorio para evaluar la diferencia entre el comportamiento de licitación entre los directivos actuales de una empresa energética y los futuros directivos o estudiantes universitarios de Economía. La novedad del ensayo es que ha imitado con precisión una subasta de capacidad de descarga de GNL y que los profesionales que participaron formaban parte de la empresa energética responsable de las adjudicaciones. Las pruebas revelaron que el entorno de laboratorio es apropiado tanto para la enseñanza como para la experimentación. Los resultados de la investigación demuestran que los profesionales ofertaron un precio más alto que los estudiantes y que las mujeres ofertaron un precio más alto que los hombre

    Does size matter in group decision making? Simulation experiments with LNG professionals bidding in auction markets

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    Purpose: An important issue in decision-making processes is whether groups decide better than individuals. This paper compares the bidding behavior of groups of professionals while playing a business game that simulates, in a controlled environment, the sequential unit capacity auctions in the Spanish LNG market. Design/methodology/approach: First, we randomly grouped professionals in groups of different size—SOLOs, DUOs, and TRIOs—and played the game in-situ under both First and Second price unit capacity auctions, with SOLOs outperforming groups. Second, we ran non-parametric simulations mixing professionals in groups of different size, in which bids were coupled with those registered during the in-situ sessions. Third, we ran non-parametric simulations in which the players were either ‘rational machines’ that bid according to Nash equilibrium or groups of ‘professionals’ of different size. Findings: The size of the decision group does matter. After the in-situ and the bootstrapped simulated games, the main result is that size does matter, and groups are not necessarily superior to individuals bidding alone. SOLO players bid closer to MACHINEs and lower than DUOs or TRIOs, while obtaining about the same number of units and higher payoffs than groups. Additionally, the ‘degree of rationality’ of the participants does also matter. Research limitations/implications: Even after applying the hybrid simulation methodology to increase sample size and allow for additional experimental settings, some of the scenarios are fictitious. Modification of the business game to allow for an even more realistic game could be implemented. Practical implications: After the hybrid simulation approach, the main implication of the paper is that to increase efficiency in resource allocation professionals should bid individually while using the theoretical knowledge of rational machines. Originality/value: To our knowledge, this is the first time that this double-experiment simulation methodology is used to analyze bidding behavior in auctionsPeer Reviewe

    The allocation of entrepreneurial effort and its implications on economic growth

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    The problem to allocate effort to innovation activities is defined and modelled for any single entrepreneur according to its propensity to innovate, which combines pure innovation and rent-seeking strategies. The allocation problem is solved both analytically and via simulation. The individual decisions measured in units of innovation are then aggregated to calculate the innovation quantity for a given population based on the distribution of heterogeneous entrepreneurs. The entrepreneurship rate and the implications for economic growth are also quantified. Consequently, policy makers should focus on reducing the entry barriers and the costs of production in order to stimulate the entrepreneurial activity and maximize the innovation quantity. They should also foster the attitude and propensity towards innovatio

    Entrepreneurial effort and economic growth

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    Entrepreneurs allocate resources among different activities that generates a profit; in particular, in this paper entrepreneurs consider at each instant of time both innovation and rent-seeking as alternative sources of profit. The consequences in terms of economic growth are obviously quite different: the higher the amount of innovations in the economy the higher the rate of economic growth and vice versa. What are the determinants of these different entrepreneurial behavior? Is there anything in the nature of entrepreneurs that essentially distinguishes between innovators and rent seekers? A main claim of this paper is that differences among entrepreneurs are not essential but of degree: all of them are in fact profit-seekers and the only difference is to be found in their attitude towards innovation as a source of profit. In this sense entrepreneurial effort is defined and modelled for each entrepreneur according to its propensity to innovate and the corresponding Entrepreneurial Problem (EP) is posed and solved both analytically and via simulation in terms of profit maximization. The individual decisions measured in units of innovation are then aggregated to calculate the innovation quantity for a given population based on the distribution of heterogeneous entrepreneurs. The entrepreneurship rate and the implications for economic growth are also modelled. Consequently, policy makers should focus on reducing the entry barriers and the costs of production in order to stimulate the entrepreneurial activity and maximize the innovation quantity

    Scientific careers and the mobility of European researchers: an analysis of international mobility by career stage

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    International scientific mobility and research careers are two concepts that are intimately related. Yet, it has been very difficult for scholarship to pinpoint exactly how international mobility impacts on research careers. This paper contributes to this question by investigating links between international mobility, research career stage progression and job changes. It does so using a large-scale survey (MORE) which targets researchers based in European universities. The results establish that the profile of international mobility varies by academic research career stage. They also show that for researchers in the established mid-career phase who are working internationally, there are career advancement benefits associated with return mobility to their home country. However, these benefits may reduce if the timing of return is too delayed. The paper concludes by discussing the implications of these results for researcher mobility policy in the context of the European Higher Education Area and the European Research Area.This research was partly supported by funding received from the Research Infrastructure for Research and Innovation Policy Studies project (RISIS, contract number 313082).Peer reviewe

    AI training for application to industrial robotics: trajectory generation for neural network tuning

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    In the present work robot trajectories are generated and kinematically simulated. Different data (joint coordinates, end effector position and orientation, images, etc.) are obtained in order to train a neural network suited for applications in robotics. The neural network has the goal of automatically generating trajectories based on a set of images and coordinates. For this purpose, trajectories are designed in two separate sections which are conveniently connected using Bezier curves, ensuring continuity up to accelerations. In addition, among the possible trajectories that can be carried out due to the different configurations of the robot, the most suitable ones have been selected avoiding collisions and singularities. The designed algorithm can be used in multiple applications by adapting its different parameters.This work was funded by the “Convocatoria de ayudas a proyectos de I+D del Gobierno de Navarra” under the projects with Ref. 0011–1365-2021–000080 and Ref. 0011–1411-2021–000023

    Effective Implementation of Urban Agendas through Urban Action Structures (UAS): The Case of the Basque Country

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    Cities are the main contributors to pollution, resource consumption and social inequalities. Therefore, they should play a key role in the path towards a more sustainable scenario in line with SDGs and different Urban Agendas. However, there are still difficulties in their implementation and citizen can play a central role. This paper presents the Urban Action Structures (UAS), understood as entities with a catalytic capacity with respect to innovative urban policies. Methodologically, firstly, a prospective analysis from regional to international level has been developed, making it possible to identify innovative lines of action in the field of sustainable cities. Secondly, the study has focused on identifying and studying UAS that can make it possible to implement the lines of action previously identified. This paper has shown that there are already social structures that can be understood as UAS, since they implement actions aligned with the priorities of the Urban Agenda for the Basque Country and, therefore, of the SDGs. The research concludes that UAS can play a key role in facilitating the implementation of Urban Agendas. Hence, urban policies should favor the generation of UAS, in order to promote long-term urban development and to foster a more sustainable spatial planning.This research was funded by the Directorate of territorial planning and urban agenda of the department of territorial planning, housing and transport of the Basque government as part of the financing for CISO30 project, “Action plan for the promotion and implementation of the PCTI Euskadi 2020–2030 in the field of sustainable cities”

    How can local energy communities promote sustainable development in European cities?

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    n the context of the current planetary environmental and social emergency, it is essential to seek strategies for sustainable development. In line with the Social Development Goals (SDG), these strategies must facilitate action from an energy perspective and give citizens a central role. Given that global challenges must be addressed through local action, the transition towards energy decentralisation through Local Energy Communities (LEC) is of central importance. The general objective of this research is to identify characteristics that are key in order for a LEC to act as a driver of local sustainable development and social innovation. This paper has deepened knowledge around these structures in order to identify the keys to their effective operation. Attention is also focused on actions carried out by these communities in the field of energy and beyond. This research corroborates that while some of them only engage with energy, others are more integrative. These latter implement a number of different actions - in line with SDGs- that promote local sustainable development. This study concludes that LECs are high-potential structures that can act as drivers of local sustainable development

    Statistical pattern modeling in vision-based quality control systems

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    Machine vision technology improves productivity and quality management and provides a competitive advantage to industries that employ this technology. In this article, visual inspection and quality control theory are combined to develop a robust inspection system with manufacturing applications. The inspection process might be defined as the one used to determine if a given product fulfills a priori specifications, which are the quality standard. In the case of visual inspection, these specifications include the absence of defects, such as lack (or excess) of material, homogeneous visual aspect, required color, predetermined texture, etc. The characterization of the visual aspect of metallic surfaces is studied using quality control chars, which are a graphical technique used to compare on-line capabilities of a product with respect to these specifications. Original algorithms are proposed for implementation in automated visual inspection applications with on-line execution requirements. The proposed artificial vision method is a hybrid between the two usual methods of pattern comparison and theoretical decision. It incorporates quality control theory to statistically model the pattern for defect-free products. Specifically, individual control charts with 6-sigma limits are set so the inspection error is minimized. Experimental studies with metallic surfaces help demonstrate the efficacy and robustness of the proposed methodology.Publicad